CORVID-19 Hill-walking is great exercise and it is good to get out in the outside world and it is inherently safer and healthier than staying indoors. But we still lneed to take precautions whilst outside. Please do not go out walking if you are showing sisns of Corvid-19. When out walking make sure you give people space - 1m at least and preferable 2m. Remember that if it feels too crowded then walk away and try somewhere else. If you get into difficulty the MRT will come out to help you but they should not have to put themselves into danger from this virus. Take Care Out There.

Longdendale to Bleaklow Head

Longdendale to Bleaklow Head
OS Map : 110
Start : Torside Reservoir Car Park.
 The public car park on the south side of Torside reservoir, accessed along the minor road.
Summary : Torside Reservoir - Clough Edge - Bleaklow Head - Near Black Clough - Trans Pennine Trail - Torside Reservoir
distance : 12.5km.
ascent : 470m.
time : 4hr. 40min.


Current Weather

Last Updated today at : 01:48:50

Overall : scattered clouds
Temperature : 15degC.
Wind Speed : 6km/hr.
Wind Direction : ENE
Clouds : scattered clouds
Precipitation : none
Sunrise : 03:40:38
Sunset : 20:39:33
: Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST

Data from

Bleaklow is the second highest, after Kinder, land mass of the peak District. It is a large plateau with a feeling of remoteness despite the proximity to two of the largest cities in the north of England. The first part of tis work is on the Pennine way and hence is clearly marked. The second half is less so and some navigation skills are needed.

From the car park follow the signposts to get to the Trans pennine Trail. From here set off along the trail in a westerly direction until the road is met. Now left at the road and left again to get to the Penninw Way signs. Follow the Pennine Way up Clough Edge, ascending all the time to get onto the high ground. Keep following this path all the way until the obvious large cairn is reached marking the top of Bleaklow Head. (4.5kms. 430m. 2hrs. 10min.)

There is a path descending Near Black Clough, but this path does start at Bleaklow Head. initially walk over the flat area of the summit to gain the top of the clough and the path. In most conditions a bearning will be needed to ensure that the top of the clough is reached. Alternatively follow the small path easterly from Bleaklow Head to the ford (as marked on the map) and here take the small path to reach Near Black Clough. descend the path on the west of Near Black Clough. Towards the bottom the path enters a forest and then meets a track. Follow this track down and left until it reaches the trans pennine trail at the vlalley bottom. Follow this back to the reservoir. (8.0kms. 40m. 2hrs. 30min.)