CORVID-19 Hill-walking is great exercise and it is good to get out in the outside world and it is inherently safer and healthier than staying indoors. But we still lneed to take precautions whilst outside. Please do not go out walking if you are showing sisns of Corvid-19. When out walking make sure you give people space - 1m at least and preferable 2m. Remember that if it feels too crowded then walk away and try somewhere else. If you get into difficulty the MRT will come out to help you but they should not have to put themselves into danger from this virus. Take Care Out There.

Around Ladybower

Around Ladybower
OS Map : 110
Start : Heatherdene Car Park
 Heatherdene car park is a large car park which is popular with walkers. Payment is required.
Summary : Heatherdene Car Park - Ladybower Dam - Hagg Farm - Fairholms - Derwent Reservoir - Howden reservoir - Kings Tree - Slippery Stones - Abbey Clough - Derwent - Ashopton Viaduct - Heatherdene Car Park
distance : 27.0km.
ascent : 220m.
time : 8hr. 10min.


Current Weather

Last Updated today at : 02:18:17

Overall : scattered clouds
Temperature : 15degC.
Wind Speed : 6km/hr.
Wind Direction : ENE
Clouds : scattered clouds
Precipitation : none
Sunrise : 03:40:38
Sunset : 20:39:33
: Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST

Data from

Ladybower, derwent and Howden Reservoirs are a major attraction in the Peak District. They are central to the Dark Peak and are justifiably popular. This walk circumnavigates these three reservoirs in a clockwise direction. There are many starting points and many short cuts giving the walker a great variety. Some of this is on road, but the minor roads around the reservoir that are usually quiet with traffic not permitted at weekends between April and October. The A57 has been omitted except where there is a good footpath alongside.

Leave the car park by descending to the road, and then walk south along the road to the Ladybower Dam. Cross the Dam and once over trun right and follow the good track around the south of the reservoir. There are good views up the different branches of the reservoir. Ignore the first bridge and walk along to get to the second bridge over the river. Climb steeply to the road, and then more steeply past Hagg Farm and onto Lockerook Centre. From the centre continue along the track to the start of the wood on the left hand side. From here there is a nice footpath down through the forsest to the road alongside Ladybower Reservoir. There is a good footpath alongside the road all the way to Fairholms. there is no need to go into Fairholms unless of course refreshment is required. (8.0kms. 160m. 2hrs. 40min.)

From the roadside leading to fairholms, continue along the road. This road is now much quieter, and indeed cosed to vehicles at weekends from April to October. It is pleasant just walking along the road taking in the views of the reservoir. Initialy there is a climb up to Derwent reservoir, and once around this another to Howden Reservoir. There has been some forestry work at the Westend, giving some of the area a much ligher ambiance. Continue along the reoad to the end at Kings Tree. Through the gate and onto an unmade up road to continue to Slippery Stones and the bridge. This is the top of the reservoir system. (8.5kms. 40m. 2hrs. 40min.)

Back now along the east of the reservoir which thankfully does not have as significant inlets. the route goes initially along the hillside at Cold Side and Howden Dam. Along the east of Derwent reservoir until the main dam is reached. These two dams were the setting for the training for the Dambusters squadron and planes are regularly seem flying over. Wander down the east side of Ladybower reservoir until the viaduct comes into view. Continue along the reservoir until the A57 is reached. Cross the road and walk along the pavement and right at the "traffic lights". The starting point is just around the corner here. (10.5kms. 20m. 3hrs. 10min.)