CORVID-19 Hill-walking is great exercise and it is good to get out in the outside world and it is inherently safer and healthier than staying indoors. But we still lneed to take precautions whilst outside. Please do not go out walking if you are showing sisns of Corvid-19. When out walking make sure you give people space - 1m at least and preferable 2m. Remember that if it feels too crowded then walk away and try somewhere else. If you get into difficulty the MRT will come out to help you but they should not have to put themselves into danger from this virus. Take Care Out There.

Pennine Way in the Peak District

Pennine Way in the Peak District
OS Map : 110
Start : Edale Car Park
 The large pay car park at the road junction to Edale. This car park does get busy and there is a charge for it's use.
Summary : Edale - Jacobs Ladder - Kinder Low - Kinder Downfall - Mill Hill - Snake Summit - Devils Dyke - Wain Stones - Bleaklow Head - Clough Edge - Torside Reservoir - Crowden - laddow Rocks - Black Hill - A635 - Wessenden Head - Standage A62 - Marsden
distance : 36.5km.
ascent : 960m.
time : 12hr. 30min.


Current Weather

Last Updated today at : 02:21:43

Overall : scattered clouds
Temperature : 15degC.
Wind Speed : 6km/hr.
Wind Direction : ENE
Clouds : scattered clouds
Precipitation : none
Sunrise : 03:40:38
Sunset : 20:39:33
: Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST

Data from

The Pennine Way is the original long distance footpath starting in Edale and ending some three weeks later in Kirk Yetholm in the Scottish Borders. This route takes in all the Pennine Way within the Peak District. It is a very long day and most who tackle the Pennine Way will only walk as far as Crowden on day one. This is a linear route and as such transport needs to be arranged. Train is a good option as there are rail links to both Edale and Marsden. The Pennine Way, especially the section through the Peak District had a reputation for boggy and peaty footpaths that sapped the energy. However over the years the path has been much improved and much of the way is on good footpath.

Leave the car park and walk up the road to the village. There are many signs to the Pennine Way here. Get your picture taken here. Follow the path over the fields to Upper Booth. From here take the path up the small road to reach the bridge and the start of jacobs Ladder. Follow this path to the top; steep in places. just before the skyline follow the right hand path leading north. This takes you to Kinder Low and it's trig point. (6.5kms. 400m. 2hrs. 40min.)

The next section takes the walker over Kinder to the A57. The route is obvious and follows the path north with the cliffs on the walker's left, west side. This gives views over to Manchester emphasising the nearness of the Peak District to the great cities of the North. Kinder Downfall is spectacular, maybe more so from the bottom. Look over the edge to see the waterfall. On a windy day the waterfall will often defy gravity and blow all the water upwards - take care. Continue on from here in a more north westerly direction to reach the edge of the edge and then down to the col before Mill Hill. Ascend Mill Hill and then follow the path over the moors of Mill Hlll and Featherbed Moss to reach the A57 - Snake Pass. It will be obvious why this road is closed for many days in winter. (7.5kms. 60m. 2hrs. 20min.)

Cross the A57 and follow the good path over the moors, via Devils Dyke. Over to the west are good views to High Shelf Stones. The path gets a bit thinner here and in wet conditions it can be a bit boggy in places. There are numerous markers to keep the walker on the correct path. It is worth going via Wain Stones on the way to the large cairn and post of Bleaklow Head. From here the Woodhead valley can be seen which is the next target. Follow the path initially north then west around Torside Clough and descend to the dam of Torside Reservoir. Over the dam and then around the old railway. If Crowden is the final stop then continue onto Crowden. If the aim is to walk to Marsden just before Crowden the Pennine Way turns left u towards Black Hill. (9.5kms. 120m. 3hrs. 0min.)

The final section taks the walker from Crowden over the northern parts of the Peak District to Marsden. But first is the climb up Black Hill. The path from Crowden to Black Hill is good now and even the historical peak bog of the summit itself are now gone. The path goes up the valley to Laddow Roacks and ten onto Black Hill summit trig point. To complete the Pennine Way, in the Peak District, the route continues north easterly and then around more north westerly to the A635 at Wessenden Head. From here the Pennine Way follows the valley done via the four reservoirs to Marsden itself. (13.0kms. 380m. 4hrs. 30min.)