Birchen and Gardom's Edges

Birchen and Gardom's Edges
Start : NT car park by Robin Hood Inn. There is a public (NT) car park by the Robin Hood Inn - not the pub carpark. [SK281721 230m ]
Summary : Parking by Robin Hood - Birchen Edge - Nelsons Monument - A621 - Gardoms Edge - A619 - Car Park
distance : 5.5km.
ascent : 130m.
time : 1hr. 50min.

The mix of rock and moor is shown off to it's fullest in this walk. The rocks of the edges cannot fail to impress and these are set in a typical Peak District moorland between these two edges. The starting point is the parking by the Robin Hood Inn. From there it is a walk along the top of Birchen edge, passed Nelson's monument and then over the moorland to Gardom's Edge. A walk along the top of this edge takes us back to the parking.


Current Weather

Last Updated today at : 01:46:15

Overall : overcast clouds
Temperature : 16degC.
Wind Speed : 14km/hr.
Wind Direction : NNE
Clouds : overcast clouds
Precipitation : none
Sunrise : 05:28:49
Sunset : 18:39:40
: Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST

Data from

Panorama from Birchen Trig Point


Leave the car park and turn left up the minor road for 50m or so to reach the start of the path along Birchens edge. The path climbs slowly through the trees until a path junction is met on the right. Now ascend steeply to reach the top of Birchen Edge. Take care on this ascent as the path goes through braken and there are many rocks underfoot. With the edge below you on the left, follow the path north, making at all times for Nelson's Monument. Prior to reaching the monument there are three distinctive eratics over to the right: Victory, Reliance and Royal Soverin. The names being carved on the rocks and representing the fleet of the aforementioned Nelson. Now walk along to the nearby Nelson's monument, not to be confused with one of the same name in London. This pillar is impressive and visible throughout much of this walk. It was erected in 1810 to celebrate the admiral's victory at Trafalgar. From here,continue along the top of the edge as it descends and turns right amongst a sparse forest. Once through the forest, the path descends and makes for the main road junction. The final part of this descent may be wet. (2.5kms. 90m. 1hrs. 0min.)

Just prior to the road there is an obvious path that follows the direction of the A621, and at some places looking down on this road. Follow this path along for 500m where an outcrop of rock is seen on the right. Climb the fence by a stile to visit this outcrop. You can see the gap through which the road goes. Now continue west to Gardom's edge, first climbing the fence again to reach the main path, then through a gate. You now enter into the Birch Wood before getting to the start of Gardom's Edge. Follow the path along the top of the edge keeping the edge on your right. A wall is reached and once through, the path follows between the wall and the edge. Towards the end of the wall line you reach the Three Men, a line of 3 cairns. Continue along the wall line, as it turns right, where a prominant path comes in from the right. This is the path between the A621 and the A619, and it is followed left back to the Robin Hood Inn. Continue following the path downhill, passing another small but impressive outcrop of rock, until the main road is reached. Cross the stile and it is a short walk along the pavement to the car park by the Robin Hood. (3.0kms. 40m. 1hrs. 0min.)

2nd May 2024 A nice sunny day, which was in contrast to earlier in spring. This is a great short walk with great views. From the top of the edges are extensive views of much of the Peak District. The Birch Woodland at the top of both edges is great to amble through, taking in the surroundings.