walking Podcasts Podcasts.

The gritstone edge walking podcasts will introduce you to walking in the Peak District. Each podcast covers a single walk talking you through an interesting area of the Peak DIstrict. Here you will find walks mainly in the Dark Peak area including the Eastern Edges, Kinder, Bleaklow and a few outside these areas.

Eastern Edges

  • Chatsworth grounds and Edge
  • Millstone and Lawrencefield Edges
  • Froggatt, Curbar, Baslow and White Edges
  • Hallam & Burbage Moor
  • Birchen & Gardoms Edges
  • The Magnificent Stanage Edge.

Click on a marker to get a route to the podcast location

Chatsworth Grounds and Edge.

Chatsworth Edge.

Chatsworth Edge is the southerly of the edges on the east of the Peak District. Not long in length and in the trees,Chatsworth is not one of the most popular edges with climbers. The edge lies on the Chatsworth estate and there are concessionary paths up from the house, to the top of the edge and back down through the fields. To achieve a circular walk this route starts at the Chatsworth Estate Car Park.

Link to Chatsworth Grounds and Edge walk. route
Millstone and Lawrencefield Edges.

Millstone Edge.

A short walk that works well in summer late afternoon / evening. Milstone, in particular, looks good in the late sun with thered tones of the rock being accentuated by the redenning sun. The route starts near to Surprise View with a walk up the moor to Mother Cap and Over Owler Tor to the top of Millstone Edge. Then below Millstone and onto Lawrencefield before continuing through the wood at Bole Hill. the final section walks up theriver valley to reach the bridge at Padley Gorge, then back to the start.

Link to Millstone and Lawrencefield Edges walk. route
Frogatt, Curbar, Baslow and White Edges.

Derwent Valley from Curbar Edge.

A walk of contrasts. Froggatt, Curbar and Baslow are typical Gritstone Edges, with cliffs some 20m high over a length of2-3 kms. These edges rise from the woodland below giving impressive views. In contrast White Edge is set in more bleak and open moorland with less impressive rocks but none the less some great views over the Peak District. This is one of the best walks in the Peak District.

Link to Froggatt, Curbar, Baslow and White Edges walk. route
Hallam & Burbage Moor.

Looking back over Hallam Moor to Rudd Hill.

Hallam and Burbage Moors are large tracts of typical Peak District moorland. The edges of the moor make for a good walk including, as it does, Stanage and Burbage edges. The views on the east of this walk are predominantly over to Sheffieldindicating the nearness of this city to open hillside.

Link to Hallam & Burbage route
Birchen & Gardoms Edges.

Nelsons monument on Birchen Edge.

The mix of rock and moor is shown off to its full in this walk. The rocks of the edges cannot fail to impress and these are joined by some bogtrotting over Birchen Moor. Perhaps a walk left to the hot hazy days of a dry summer, or a clear frozen winter day.

Link to Birchen & Gardoms route
The Magnificant Stanage Edge.

Stanage Edge looking south.

The gritstone edges running along the east of the Dark Peak are unique to the Peak District. Stanage is the grandest of all these gritstone edges running some 6km in length. Best viewed from a distance. This route takes you along the full length, walking above and below the crags.

Link to Stanage Edge route