Head Stone

Head Stone
Start : Wyming Brook Car Park. The free car part at the top of Wyming Brook.[SK269859 293m ]
Summary : Wyming Brook - Redicar Clough - Head Stone - Redmires Reservoir - south-side Redmires Reservoir - Wyming Brook
distance : 8.0km.
ascent : 170m.
time : 2hr. 40min.

Driving down the A57 east towards Sheffield there is an obvious "Stone" set in the moors on the south of the road. This is the Head Stone. The Head Stone is reached by walking down through Wyming Brook and then over the moors. Back is via Redmires reservoirs. Given this is on the edge of Sheffield this walk, like the Hallam Moors are not too busy. A great half day walk over the moors.


Current Weather

Last Updated today at : 05:53:39

Overall : clear sky
Temperature : 8degC.
Wind Speed : 8km/hr.
Wind Direction : SSW
Clouds : clear sky
Precipitation : none
Sunrise : 06:38:36
Sunset : 17:02:58
: Times are GMT add 1 hour for BST

Data from openweathermap.org

From the car park at the top of Wyming Brook, the route first follows the track downhill along the line of the brook itself. The track passes a track that comes in from Rivelin, then as it turns west it crosses a stream at New Hagg. Just around the corner is Redicar Clough, which is signposted. The thin path up Redicar Clough is followed uphill through the wood to a gate. Once through the gate the path climbs to the height of the ridge with views over Sheffield behind. From here follow the path over the moor to reach the Head Stone. There are some good views over to Derwent Edge to the west, and over the city to the east. (2.5kms. 100m. 1hrs. 0min.)

From the Head Stone retrace your steps to reach the path junction 100m or so away. Turn right here and follow this path, along the line of the wall to reach the conduit by the double dates. Now turn right along the conduit to walk to the small reservoir and the "ruined" house. This was once a shelter for those working on the reservoir and associated water works here. It is worth sitting a while at this reservoir and if lucky will see a variety of birdlife on and around it. (1.5kms. 30m. 0hrs. 30min.)

From this reservoir return back along the conduit to get back to the double gates. From here turn right onto the small path that climbs the hillside, over a stream and onto the height overlooking Redmires Reservoir. There are also good views over Sheffield. Now descend the path to reach the road beside Upper Redmires Reservoir at the car park. Follow the road west around the upper reservoir until the road runs out. There is a footpath that follows around the southern shores of the 3 reservoirs, often wet following rain but easy to follow. A pleasant walk around the water's edge. Follow this path around the 3 reservoirs to reach a track that goes to the corner of the minor road, often busy with cars. Descend this road back to the road junction. Cross the road and follow the path through the gate to reach the starting point. (4.0kms. 40m. 1hrs. 20min.)

24th July 2024 A nice summer's day for this walk and the sun shone all the way. The trees in Wyming Brook have been felled which does open out the area. Actually cut the route short, as you can do, by returning to the car directly from the "ruined" house by following the conduit and walking back along the road.

18th January 2023 Today there was some snow on the ground, frozen ground and bright sunshine. Very cold early on but warmed up a little later. Once at Wyming Brook walked down the track to Reddin Clough then taking the path up to the ridge. Much easier in the frozen conditions. Coffee at Head Stone was shortened due to the cold. A great walk in magical conditions.

2nd September 2022 There are a number of variations on this route. Today I took the path right from the bus terminal and down to the towards Rivelin Reservoir. Following this path gets to the bottom of Wyming Brook where the route describes if followed. With the views at the Head Stone towards Derwent Edge over the moors, it is hard to believe that this is only 5km from one of the largest cities in the UK.

7th September 2021 It is amazing what open space there is just outside the built up area of Sheffield. Walked form the edge of the housing into the Moors. Heather i on the turn - still nice through. The bracken as I left the woods was really something - over head high. Again, away from the car parks there was nobody about. Great little walk.

5th July 2020 Back out in the Peak District post lockdown. It was busy at the honey-spots of Wyming Brook and Redmires but once away from there the moors are your own. A good walk in the afternoon despite the sunshine and showers. Good to be out on the moors again